
Sensational experiments 

When used in conjunction with the MGA, this experiment set makes it possible to conduct experiments on plants that are not feasible using conventional methods. For instance, it allows pupils to observe and compare evaporation from the topside and underside of a leaf at the same time, investigate photosynthesis as a function of the colour of the incident light or explore the process of respiration in leaves and fruits.

Battery-powered grow light

The attractiveness of experiments described above can only be fully realised by using specially developed devices. The students are therefore also provided with a battery-powered grow light that has replaceable LED modules, a multi-sensor adapter that can hold up to four sensors and a special mount for two humidity sensors in addition to the high-sensitivity sensors.


01.01.10 Storage case

37.02.00 Inlay with cut-outs for apparatus, B6

37.03.00 Grow light including chargers

37.03.10 LED module, white

37.03.20 LED module, red

37.03.30 LED module, green

37.03.40 LED module, blue

37.04.00 Multi-sensor adapter

37.05.00 Humidity sensor holder

37.06.00 2 Gas sample flasks

37.07.00 Gas sample flask cover

37.08.00 40 adhesive pads in box

31.13.00 Oxygen sensor

31.13.10 Amplifier B

71.16.00 Carbon dioxide sensor

71.17.00 2 Humidity sensors

Additionally required: 

00.10.00  MGA 


B6 – 1:   Evaporation from leaves

B6 – 2:   Light intensity and evaporative effect

B6 – 3:   Photosynthesis

B6 – 4:   Photosynthesis and light colour

B6 – 5:   Photosynthesis and carbon dioxide

B6 – 6:   Photosynthesis and water plants

B6 – 7:   Cellular respiration in plants

B6 – 8:   Can fruit breathe?

B6 – 9:   Can leaves breathe?
