Rubrik: Mathematics

New avenues

The MEKRUPHY system pursues also new avenues in maths to get students interested in the subject. In particular we want to reach the ones who struggle in arithmetic, algebra and geometry or who dread any kind of mathematics.

Mathematical topics are not accessed via theory as it often is the case but through discovering, trying and experimental experiencing supported by very carefully selected materials.

The instructions are designed in a way that students are able to acquire the topics completely by themselves. This not only takes considerable pressure off the teacher but also opens up entirely new opportunities to prepare lessons. Even home schooling becomes possible with the MEKRUPHY system.

The students deal with the single topics on their own or in pairs. Their names are matched with the number of a case and put on a list. They always work with the same case. This way they take over personal responsibility for their “own” MEKRUPHY case.


Every single experiment case is developed in class, tested several years in different schools and consistently improved. Today these well-engineered experiment sets are worldwide recognized premium products.

High Quality instead of “Low Cost”

The MEKRUPHY system offers students high-quality materials that make precise results possible. Only this way

  • is true enthusiasm for maths possible,
  • the students feel taken seriously and responsible
  • is it possible to teach the scientific requirement of the subject matter plausibly.