Experiment set SEEING and HEARING
Fun doing experiments
This experiment set enthuses students right from the start to find out for themselves
- how they can see,
- that an image on the retina of the eye is upside-down and smaller than what is being viewed,
- the purpose of the pupils,
- why it is necessary to have two eyes,
- where the colours of the rainbow or autumn leaves come from
- why it is necessary to have two ears,
- how can you phone with a cord.
Working in partnership or in class experiments
As a rule, the experiments are carried out in pairs. However, some experiments are designed for the whole class to participate. Apart from the experience of experimenting together with others, this also particularly encourages a sense of responsibility, consideration for others and teamwork among the class members.
Multi-functional apparatus
Apparatus that can be used for multiple purposes not only saves money but also ensures that the cases do not have a confusingly large amount of equipment. In particular, such apparatus also encourages children’s own creativity. For example, the extension rod for the lens holder serves as both the object for creating shadows and as a hammer for striking the sound plates.
01.01.10 Storage case
41.02.50 Inlay with cut-outs for apparatus, P1
41.03.00 2 Tube lights
41.04.20 Holding rod
41.04.50 Extension rod P1
16.05.10 Glockenspiel chime, C
16.05.20 Glockenspiel chime, E
41.06.00 Cord, 80 cm, in case
41.07.10 White card with coloured areas
41.07.20 Plate holder with thread
41.08.00 Spinning top
41.09.50 Plastic troughs
41.10.00 Plastic beaker, 50 ml
05.11.50 Lens holder with +100 lens
41.11.10 Knurled screw, black, P1
41.12.50 Cord, 160 cm, in case
30.13.00 Microscope scissors
41.15.00 Filter paper strips in box, P1
41.16.00 Transparent screen, P1
41.17.00 Screen holder, P1
41.18.00 2 Telephone cans
05.25.00 Hollow prism
SH-1: Light and vision
SH-2: How images are formed in the eye
SH-3: Function of pupils
SH-4: Stereoscopic vision
SH-5: Perception of colour and intensity of light
SH-6: Perception of colour and persistence of vision
SH-7: Reflection of light
SH-8: Refraction of light
SH-9: Colours of the rainbow
SH-10: How leaves get their colour
SH-11: Colour of shadows
SH-12: Formation of shadows
SH-13: Size of shadows
SH-14: Umbra and penumbra
SH-15: Tones, regular sound, white noise, percussive sound
SH-16: Directionality of hearing
SH-17: Propagation of sound in solids
SH-18: String telephone