Sound frequency generator and oscilloscope in a single piece of equipment
For most quantitative experiments in acoustics, it is necessary to have an oscilloscope and a sound generator. This is the only way that such terms as pitch, volume and tonal colour can be illustrated clearly. Sufficient quantities of a student set with both these pieces of equipment would not be feasible in terms of both cost and space. However, the MGA can fulfil both roles at once in the ACOUSTICS 2 ADDESTATION set, taking up a minimum of room and doing the job perfectly. It can provide sinusoidal oscillations at frequencies between 10 and 3000 Hz, pulse signals and even the first five harmonics for a given frequency all at once, either all at the same amplitudes or with different amplitudes.
Impressive experiments
With the MGA it is possible to find out about the most important phenomena and physical laws by experiment in a highly impressive way. For instance, it is simple to create a wide variety of sound colours and analyse them. The ideas of pitch, tone and noise can be clearly defined, graphically depicted and easily distinguished. The frequency of the supplied tuning fork can not only be determined directly but also checked by means of an experiment on beats. The speed of sound in air can be determined simply by an easily understandable measuring procedure and the Doppler effect can be demonstrated very clearly.
01.01.10 Storage box
15.02.00 Inlay with cut-outs for A2
16.03.40 Little hammer
15.04.00 Sound sensor on stand
15.04.10 Amplifier A
15.05.10 Speaker
15.06.00 Sound tube stand (2 pieces)
15.07.00 Tuning fork 384 Hz
15.08.00 Resonance body A2
15.09.00 Reflector plate A2
15.10.00 2 batteries in container
63.13.00 Plate holder K3
01.19.00 Measuring tape 2 m
07.20.00 Woolen cloth
Additionally required:
00.10.00 MGA
15.12.00 Long sound tube
15.13.00 Short sound tube
A2-1: Types of sound we can hear
A2-2: Volume
A2-3: Pitch
A2-4: Sensitivity of human hearing
A2-5: Lowest audible frequencies
A2-6: Tonal colour and harmonics
A2-7: Voiced and non-voiced sounds
A2-8: Reflection and echoes
A2-9: Determining the speed of sound
A2-10: Sonic radar
A2-11: Beats
A2-12: Resonance
A2-13: Standing sound waves
A2-14: Doppler effect