Experiment set HEAT 1
Discovering phenomena related to heat
In simple but fascinating experiments, children can learn about good conductors and poor conductors of heat as well as observing the flow of heat from one place to another. They can investigate the different ways white bodies and black bodies respond to heat and find out why heat insulation is needed in buildings.
Introduction to the world of measurement
Spurred by the unreliability of humans’ perception of heat, children go on an experimental search for a practical device and a suitable unit for measuring temperature. They will investigate how liquids, solids and air expand when they are heated and make a scale for a thermometer without any graduations.
Tea candles and a fireproof base
Ordinary tea candles are used to provide the heat. When experimenting with candle flames, a fireproof base of fire prevention category B1 is to be used. This is included in the set.
Using the storage case as a stand
In order to build stands, the case can be turned upside down. In the bottom of the case there is a threaded hole into which a stand rod can be screwed.
01.01.10 Storage case
44.02.00 Inlay with cut-outs for apparatus, H1
11.03.00 2 Digital thermometer, EN (-40°/+70°C)
01.04.00 Plastic beaker, 250 ml
43.06.00 2 Plastic beakers, 100 ml
43.07.00 Bosshead clamp, P3
44.08.10 Mounting block
44.08.20 Support block
44.08.30 Aluminium rod, long
44.08.40 Pointer
44.09.00 Bimetal strip
44.10.00 Thermometer without scale
44.11.10 Erlenmeyer flask, H1
44.11.20 Rubber stopper with hole
44.11.30 Hose connector
44.11.40 Silicone tube, 7 mm diam. x 500 mm
44.12.10 Copper rod
44.12.20 Aluminium rod
44.12.30 Plastic rod
44.13.00 Convection tube
44.14.00 Insulating box, H1
11.14.40 Cover for insulating box
44.15.00 Tea candle
43.17.00 Stand rod, P3
44.18.00 Fireproof base
17.19.00 Stand clamp
07.20.00 Woollen cloth
44.21.10 Aluminium cube, white
44.21.20 Aluminium cube, black
11.25.10 2 Aluminium cubes
H1-1: Subjective perception of heat
H1-2: Expansion of liquids
H1-3: Calibration of a liquid thermometer
H1-4: Expansion of air
H1-5: Expansion in the length of solid material
H1-6: How does a bi-metallic strip work?
H1-7: How does heat move from place to place?
H1-8: Conduction of heat
H1-9: Convection of heat
H1-10: Black bodies and white bodies
H1-11: Heat insulation 1
H1-12: Heat insulation 2
H1-13: What does salt do to ice?
H1-14: Structure of a flame H1-15: Brownian motion