
Making molecular structure and chemical reactions understandable

With the newly developed MEKRUPHY model atoms, individual valence electrons, free electron pairs, bonds, intermolecular forces, and chemical reactions can be represented and understood in a simple way – for example, through the simple connection mechanism:

  • each individual model atom made of ABS has four injection nuts in the spatial angle of 109.5°. Valence electrons and free electron pairs can be screwed in here.
  • the electron pair bond is made clear by a double joint that is simply inserted into the widened ends of the valence electrons
  • hydrogen bonds can also be represented by embedded rod magnets

Detailed instructions

With the help of detailed instructions, students can gradually work on all topics related to molecular structure independently. For each chapter, they receive a brief introduction text followed by tasks that they usually solve in conjunction with the molecular structure set.

Supplementary materials

A student booklet is available in both analog and digital form to accompany the CHEMISTRY 3 experimentation set.


25.01.10  Storage case (small)

25.01.20  Lid with handle strip

25.02.00  Inlay with cut-outs, C3 

25.03.10  Atom body black (carbon) (10 pieces)

25.03.20  Atom body blue (nitrogen) (2 pieces)

25.03.30  Atom body red (oxygen) (6 pieces)

25.03.40  Atom body green (halogen) (6 pieces)

25.03.50  Atom body yellow (sulfur) (2 pieces)

25.03.60  Atom body light gray (metal) (2 pieces)

25.04.10  Valence electron short (5 mm) (48 pieces) 

25.04.20  Valence electron long (19 mm) (16 pieces) 

25.05.00  Free electron pair (8 pieces) 

25.06.00  Hydrogen nucleus (white) (24 pieces) 

25.07.00  Double joint (48 pieces) 


Atom structure

C3-1:   Dalton’s atomic hypothesis

C3-2:   The plum pudding model

C3-3:   Rutherford’s scattering experiment

C3-4:   The model of the atomic nucleus

C3-5:   Exercises: The structure of the atomic nucleus

C3-6:   Isotopy

C3-7:   The model of the atomic envelope

C3-8:   Exercises: The structure of the atomic envelope

C3-9:   Exercises: Atomic structure 1 

C3-10: Exercises: Atomic structure 2

Inorganic chemistry

C3-11: Chemicalese – a foreign language?

C3-12: The noble gas configuration 

C3-13: Valence line notation 

C3-14: Salts 

C3-15: Metals 

C3-16: Electron pair bonding 

C3-17: Drawing valence line formulas 1 

C3-18: Drawing valence line formulas 2 

C3-19: Exercises: Molecules

C3-20: Exercises: Chemical bonds

C3-21: The spatial structure of molecules

C3-22: Electronegativity

C3-23: Dipole – yes or no? 

C3-24: Dipole – dipole interactions

C3-25: Van der Waals forces

Organic chemistry

C3-26: Organic chemistry – an introduction 

C3-27: The homologous series of alkanes

C3-28: The naming of branched alkanes

C3-29: Exercise: The naming of alkanes 1

C3-30: Exercise: The naming of alkanes 2

C3-31: Isomerism in alkanes

C3-32: Properties of alkanes

C3-33: Reaction with oxygen – The reaction with oxygen

C3-34: Radical substitution 1

C3-35: Radical substitution 2

C3-36: The homologous series of alkenes

C3-37: The homologous series of alkynes

C3-38: The molecular structure of hydrocarbons

C3-39: The naming of unsaturated hydrocarbons

C3-40: Isomerism in alkenes

C3-41: Electrophilic addition

C3-42: Radical polymerisation 1

C3-43: Radical polymerisation 2

C3-44: The homologous series of alcohols

C3-45: Isomerism in alcohols

C3-46: Properties of alcohols

C3-47: Polyhydric alcohols

C3-48: Aldehydes

C3-49: Ketones

C3-50: Carboxylic acids

C3-51: The properties of carboxylic acids

C3-52: Carboxylic acid esters

C3-53: Polyesters are plastics

C3-54: The naming of organic compounds

C3-55: Exercises: The naming of organic compounds 1

C3-56: Exercises: The naming of organic compounds 2
